Case Report

Open and Arthroscopic with Mini-Open Surgical Hip Approaches for Treatment of Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis and Concomitant Hip Pathology

Figure 1

Preoperative anteroposterior (a) and frog-leg radiographs (b) of the right hip in Case demonstrate developmental dysplasia of the hip and the presence of a cross-over sign. Preoperative coronal FIESTA 3D (c), coronal T1-weighted fat-saturated (d), and sagittal proton-density fat-saturated (e, f) magnetic resonance sequences with intra-articular contrast reveal the tumor, a 2.5 cm intermediate to low signal focus within the inferomedial aspect of the right hip joint, in addition to a complex tear of the right anterior and anterosuperior acetabular labrum. A = anterior; P = posterior.