Case Report

Osteomyelitis of the Patella in a 10-Year-Old Girl: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Table 1

Literature review including information about treatment and cultures of pediatric patients with osteomyelitis of the patella.


Gil-Albarova et al., 2012 [2]1 girlDebridement and curettage; 10 days of i.v. cefotaxime/cloxacillin → 2 weeks of oral cloxacillinStaph. aureus

De Gheldere, 2009 [4]1 boyJoint and patella aspiration; 10 days of i.v. rifampicin and cloxacillin → 6 weeks of rifampicin and clindamycin orallyStaph. aureus

Choi, 2007 [1]2 boysCurettage and i.v. cefazedone followed by oral antibioticsCase I: negative
Case II: Staph. aureus

Masuda et al., 1999 [5]1 boyCurettage; one week of cefuroxadine → cefmetazole and cefuroxadine for 2 monthsNegative

Moyikoua et al., 1993 [6]1 boyGentamicin for 3 weeksN/A

Roy et al., 1991 [7]2 girls
2 boys
Case I: antibiotics → incision and drainage
Case II: antibiotics → arthroscopy and incision of the patella
Case III: incision, debridement, and drainage
Case IV: incision, debridement
3x Staph. aureus
1x Clostridium bifermentans

Papavasiliou and Sferopoulos, 1989 [8]1 girl
2 boys
Curettage and lavage, parenteral antibiotic treatmentStaph. aureus in all cases

Cahill, 1978 [9]2 boysCase I: antibiotics → curettage and parenteral antibiotics
Case II: initial treatment with antibiotics, exploration of the knee and inflow-outflow cefalotin irrigation tubes, and cefalotin for another 5 days.
Case I: gram positive cocci
Case II: negative

Vaninbroukx et al., 1976 [10]1 girl
2 boys
Case I: sequestrectomy, arthrotomy, and parenteral antibiotics
Case II: initial treatment with antibiotics → sequestrectomy and parenteral antibiotics
Case III: antibiotics → curettage
Case I: N/A
Case II: negative
Case III: N/A

Kochhar and Srivastava, 1976 [11]1 child
(4 adults)
Antibiotic treatment in all cases, three patients underwent patellectomyStaph. aureus in all cases

Wadlington et al., 1971 [12]1 boyAntibiotics: penicillin, methicillin, colistin, and gentamicinPseudomonas aeruginosa

Angella, 1967 [13]1 girl
1 boy
Case I: initial treatment with antibiotics → curettage, parenteral antibiotics
Case II: 28 days of parenteral antibiotics, aspiration of the knee joint two times
Case I: Staph. aureus
Case II: negative

Evans, 1962 [14]2 girls
2 boys
(1 adult)
Case I: antibiotics
Case II: antibiotics (knee aspiration)
Case III: removal of a sequestrum
Case IV: penicillin for 4 weeks, removal of a sequestrum
Case I: none
Case II: Staph. aureus
Case III: none
Case IV: Staph. aureus

Schafer, 1952 [15]1 boyInitial treatment with antibiotics → arthrotomy → antibioticsStaphylococcus