Case Report

Arthroscopic Management and Radiographic Interpretation of an Everted Bony Bankart Lesion

Table 1

Weeks 1–3: phase I

SlingAt all times (including sleeping) when not doing exercises

ExercisesPassive forward flexion (FF) in scapular plane to 90°
Passive external rotation (ER) and extension to neutral
Elbow/wrist active ROM
Scapular isometrics
Pain-free submaximal deltoid isometrics
Modalities as needed

Advancement criteriaER to neutral/FF to 90°/minimal pain or inflammation

Weeks 3–6: phase II

SlingAt all times when not doing exercises

ExercisesActive assisted FF in scapular plane to 120°: wand exercises, pulleys
Active assisted ER to 30°: wand exercises
Manual scapula side-lying exercises
Internal/external rotation isometrics in modified neutral (submaximal, pain-free)
Modalities as needed

Advancement criteriaMinimal pain and inflammation
ER to 45°/FF to 120°
IR/ER strength 4/5

Weeks 6–12: phase III

SlingMay discontinue

ExercisesActive assisted FF in scapular plane to tolerance
Active assisted ER to tolerance (go slow with ER)
Begin active assisted ROM for internal rotation
Progress scapular strengthening—include closed chain exercises
Begin isotonic IR/ER strengthening in modified neutral (pain-free)
Begin latissimus strengthening (progress as tolerated)
Begin humeral head stabilization exercises (if adequate strength and ROM)
Begin upper extremity flexibility exercises
Isokinetic training and testing
Modalities as needed

Advancement criteriaNormal scapulohumeral rhythm
Minimal pain and inflammation
IR/ER strength 5/5
Full upper extremity ROM
Isokinetic IR strength 85% of unaffected side

Weeks 12–18: phase IV

ExercisesProgress to full functional ROM
Advance IR/ER strengthening to 90/90 position if required
Continue full upper extremity strengthening program
Continue upper extremity flexibility exercises
Isokinetic strengthening and testing
Activity-specific plyometrics program
Address trunk and lower extremity demands
Begin sport or activity-related program

Discharge criteriaPain-free sport or activity-specific program
Isokinetic IR/ER strength equal to unaffected side
Independent home exercise program