Case Report

Inferior Dislocation of Shoulder Complicated with Undisplaced Greater Tuberosity Fracture, Rupture of the Supraspinatus Tendon, and Brachial Plexus Injury in the Elderly: Case Report and Literature Review

Table 1

Etiology and mechanism of injuries (literature review and present study).

StudyGender (M/F)Age (Y)Side, U/B (° blocked)Etiology of injuryMechanism of injury

Present study, 2020F83U (80°)Fall from heightDirect
Kaziz et al., 2018F23USport relatedDirect
Yao et al., 2018M40U (170°)Fall from heightIndirect
Demirtas et al., 2017F80U (130°)Pedestrian (vs. vehicle)Direct
M34U (120°)FallDirect
Fox and Martin, 2016M58BFall from heightIndirect
Owen et al., 2016M30U (170°)MBADirect
Acosta et al., 2015M43B (110°)Fall from heightDirect
Cift et al., 2015M65UMVAN/R
Petty et al., 2014M68BSport related (treadmill)Indirect
Ellanti et al., 2013M19BMVAN/R
Imerci et al., 2013M50UMBAN/R
Groh et al., 2010M17UMBAN/R
M17USport related (bull riding)N/R
M17USport related (basketball)N/R
M40BFall from heightN/R
Camarda et al., 2009F70UFallIndirect
Sharma and Denolf, 2004M69UFallDirect
Kumar et al., 2001M58B (100°)FallN/R
Grate, 2000M20U (110°)Sport related (wrestling)Direct
Davids and Talbott, 1990M29USport related (roller skate)Indirect
Rae and Sylvester, 1988F34USport related (tennis)Indirect

Abbreviations: M: male; F: female; Y: years; U: unilateral; B: bilateral; MBA: motorbike accident; MVA: motor vehicle accident; N/R: not reported.