Case Report

Desmoplastic Fibroblastoma Invading the Humerus

Figure 2

MRI images of the DFB in the left axilla with humeral invasion. (a–d) Raw axial images of the lesion with invasion of the underlying humerus. (e–h) Raw axial images of the lesion at its maximum diameter. (i–j) Raw coronal images of the lesion. First column (a, e), T1-weighted images. Second column (b, f), T2-weighted images. Third column (c, g, i), T2-weighted fat-suppression images. Fourth column (d, h, j), postcontrast T1-weighted images with fat suppression. The abbreviations: T1WI: T1-weighted images; T2WI: T2-weighted images; STIR: short TI inversion recovery; Gd: gadolinium-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted images; Ax: axial images.