Case Report

Augmented Total Elbow Arthroplasty with Femoral Strut Allograft for Revision of Prosthetic Joint Infection with Distal Humerus Bone Loss and Incomplete Union of Periprosthetic Humeral Shaft Fracture

Figure 1

(a–c) Preoperative X-ray imaging of the operative left elbow showing prosthetic loosening and periprosthetic fracture. (a) AP imaging of the left elbow with new periprosthetic fracture of the medial epicondyle and significant soft tissue swelling. (b) Oblique imaging of the left elbow again demonstrating a periprosthetic fracture of the medial epicondyle and lucency around the lateral aspect of the humeral implant. (c) Lateral X-ray of the left elbow demonstrating both ulnar and humeral component lucency concerning for infection.