Case Report

Isolated Pectoralis Minor Tendon Rupture with Subclavian Vein Thrombosis

Figure 3

(a, b) MRI of the right shoulder. Siemens Symphony TIM. 1.5 Tesla. Syngo MR B 19. (a) Sequence: PD-TSE coronal, 3 mm TR 2950, TE 31, Acquisitions Matrix 0/384/296/0: shoulder MRI in the coronal plane without pathological findings. (b) Sequence: T2-STIR coronal, 3 mm, TR 6770, TE 35, IR 150, Acquisitions Matrix 0/384/296/0: patent subclavian vein without signs of thrombosis. Of note, MRI conducted in an external institution. Plane has been labelled as coronal, although it appears rather sagittal.