Case Report

Chronic Invasive Nongranulomatous Fungal Rhinosinusitis in Immunocompetent Individuals

Table 1

Characteristics and outcome of the patients.

Case Case Case Case

Age/gender 58 yrs/male43 yrs/male60 yrs/female68 yrs/male
Immune suppression
Symptom onset to diagnosis6 months24 months9 months6 months
Symptoms at presentationLeft orbital painNasal obstructionDizzinessHeadache
Swelling on the faceHeadacheHeadacheLeft retroorbital pain
Nasal obstructionFacial painPostnasal drip
Anatomic subsite involvement
 Nasal cavity++
 Osteomeatal complex++
 Maxillary sinus+
 Ethmoidal sinuses+++ (right posterior)+ (right posterior)
 Sphenoid sinus+ (left side)+ (left side)+ (right side)+ (right side)
 Frontal sinus++
Bilateral involvement
Orbital involvementLP destructionLP destruction
Intracranial extension+
Surgical treatmentESSESS combined with external frontal sinus surgeryESSESS
 MicrobiologyA. fumigatusA. flavusA. fumigatus
 HistopathologyNongranulomatous CIFRSNongranulomatous CIFRSNongranulomatous CIFRSNongranulomatous CIFRS
Medical treatment
Follow-up time10 months8 months7 months5 months
Disease recurrence

LP: lamina papyracea, ESS: endoscopic sinus surgery, and CIFRS: chronic invasive fungal rhinosinusitis.