Case Report

A Case of Septicemia due to Nonocclusive Mesenteric Ischemia Occurring in Induction Chemotherapy

Table 1

Previously reported case of NOMI during chemotherapy.

AuthorAge/sexCancer regionChemotherapy regimenYear reported

Pearson et al. [3]53/femaleMetastatic liver cancerCDDP, ADM, MMC2008
Awano et al. [1]80/femaleLung Adenocarcinomagefitinib2013
Matsuzawa et al. [4]74/femaleMelanomaDTIC, ACNU, VCR, ß-interferon2015
Yamane et al. [2]68/maleSmall cell lung cancerCDDP, ETP2015
Present case74/maleOropharynx cancerCDDP, 5-FU, DOC2017

CDDP: cisplatin; ADM: adriamycin; MMC: mitomycin C; CBDCA: carboplatin; DTIC: dacarbazine; ACNU: nimustine; VCR: vincristine; ETP: etoposide; DOC: docetaxel.