Case Report

INI1-Intact Sinonasal Carcinoma with Rhabdoid Features

Figure 2

Photomicrographs of tumor sections. Sections shown above include (a) inverted papilloma (H&E, 10x); (b) poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma (H&E, 10x); (c) surface ulceration with underlying rhabdoid tumor phenotype (H&E, 10x); (d) rhabdoid tumor cells with prominent perinuclear acidophilic zone (H&E, 40x); (e) sarcomatoid focus within tumor and cytoplasmic globoid bodies in rhabdoid tumor cells (CAM 5.2 positive immunostain, 20x); (f) proliferative index of 20% (MIB1 immunostain, 20x).