Case Report

Enhancing Mass Lesion of the Sphenoid: Atypical Presentation of Ongoing Pneumatization

Figure 2

MR T1 (a), T1 postcontrast (b), and T2 (c) weighted images through the sphenoid sinus at age 6. There is T1 isointense and T2 hyperintense soft tissue within the sphenoid sinus, which shows postcontrast enhancement. MR T1 (d), T1 postcontrast (e), and T2 (f) weighted images through the sphenoid sinus at age 8. There is overall decreased soft tissue mass within the sphenoid sinus with increased T1 signal intensity, likely related to ongoing fatty marrow conversion. MR T1 (g), T1 postcontrast (h), and T2 (i) weighted images through the sphenoid sinus at age 10. There is pneumatization within the anterior sphenoid sinus with a small amount of residual soft tissue noted posteriorly.