Case Report

Asynchronous Bilateral Ovarian Torsion: Three Cases, Three Lessons

Table 2

Reported cases of ABOT in the premenarchal age group.

Case no. and yearAge at time of first torsion (yr)Age at time of second torsion (yr)Interval between surgeryAffected side/surgical procedure at time of first torsionAffected side/surgical procedure at time of second torsionCastration

(1 case) 1934 [12]792 years and 3 monthsR/SOPL/SOPYes
(1 case) 1980 [26]12126 weeksR/SOPL/SOPYes
(1 case) 1981 [27]363 yearsR/SOPL/SOPYes
(1 case) 1984 [28]782 yearsR/SOPL/SOPYes
(1 case) 1986 [29]682 yearsL/SOPR/detorsionNo
(1 case) 1987 [30]792 yearsR/SOPL/SOPYes
(1 case) 1989 [31]6.510.54 yearsL/SOPR/SOPYes
(1 case) 1990 [32]3.510.57 yearsR/SOPL/SOPYes
(1 case) 1990 [8]8.59.51 yearR/SOPL/SOPYes
(1 case) 1993 [33]10118 monthsR/SOPL/detorsion + OPXYNo
(1 case) 1996 [34]10122 yearsL/SOPR/detorsion + PLICANo
(1 case) 1997 [35]UK13UKL/INCDR/detorsion + PLICANo
(1 case) 2000 [36]8179 yearsR/SOPL/detorsion + OPXYNo
(1 case) 2000 [37]4.5617 monthsL/SOPR/detorsion + OPXYNo
(1 case) 2000 [38]UK9UKL/INCDR/detorsionNo
(1 case) 2002 [39]9107 monthsR/SOPL/detorsion + OPXYNo
(1 case) 2002 [39]12125 monthsR/SOPL/detorsion + OPXYNo
(4 cases) 2004 [2]Mean age 10.6 years (ranging from 3.3 months to 13.1 years)Range between 7 and 30 monthsFor all 4 cases: L/SOPFor all 4 cases: R/detorsion + OPXYYes
(1 case) 2005 [15]131320 daysR/SOPL/SOPYes
(1 case) 2006 [1]11121 yearRight oophorectomyL/detorsion + OPXYYes
(1 case) 2008 [16]661 yearR/SOPL/detorsion + OPXYYes
(1 case) 2013 [40]884 monthsR/detorsionUnderwent surgical exploration 4 times, intraoperative procedure was performed: L/detorsion + OPXY and bilateral shortening of ovarian ligamentsNo
(1 case) 2014 [9]9121 monthR/SOPL/SOPYes
Current case14 days of her life3 years and 4 months3 yearsR/SOP secondary to ovarian cystL/detorsion + OPXYYes
Current case8 years and 8 months9 years and 1 month4 monthsR/detorsion + OPXYL/detorsionNo
Current case9123 yearsR/SOPUnderwent surgical exploration 2 times, intraoperative procedure was performed: L/detorsion + OPXYYes

R: right; SOP: salpingo-oophorectomy; L: left; OPXY: oophoropexy; PLICA: plication of the utero-ovarian ligament; UK: unknown; INCD: incidentally found.