Case Report

A Wandering Abdominal Mass in a Neonate: An Enteric Duplication Cyst Mimicking an Ovarian Cyst

Figure 2

(a) Intraoperative photograph of the thick-walled, 5 × 5 cm cyst (arrowhead) attached to the ileum (arrow). (b) Low-power photomicrograph (hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification, ×100) shows histopathologic features of the enteric duplication cyst. The convergence of the cyst wall and the small-bowel wall can be seen. Duplication cyst mucosa of the duplication cyst including gastric mucosal lining (arrowhead) and mucosa of the native ileum (arrow) can be seen. The asterisk indicates the shared muscularis propria.