Case Report

Hypocalcemia as a Cause of Complex Febrile Seizures in a Toddler

Table 2

Laboratory parameters of our patient.

ParameterOn admission1st day2nd dayReference range

Hemoglobin11.09.8–13.8 g/dL
MCV82.468–90 fL
Platelets406 000158–470000/mm3
White blood cells17 0003500–17000/mm3
Absolute neutrophil count11 7981700–8700/mm3

Serum Na139136142135–145 mmol/L
Serum K4.–5.0 mmol/L
Serum Ca1.361.391.632.17–2.44 mmol/L
Serum phosphate3.342.732.791.26–2.10 mmol/L
Serum Mg0.680.590.630.65–1.05 mmol/L

Urea16611–36 mg/dL
Creatinine0.260.22<0.70 mg/dL
Albumin454036–52 g/L
CRP21.455.4<5 mg/L
Alkalic phosphatase219230145–320 U/L
Gamma glutamyl transferase126–19 U/L
Amylase5550–130 U/L
Parathormone442.915–65 ng/L
Thyroid stimulating hormone5.080.27–4.2 mIU/L
Free thyroxine14.811.0–24.0 pmol/L
25-Hydroxyvitamin D51.920–50 microg/L

pCO235.738.434.136–44 mmHg
pO252.434.667.190–100 mmHg
Bicarbonate20.621.020.422–26 mmol/L
Base excess−4.1−4.4−4.0−2–+2
Hb saturation83.757.692.4
Na138135140135–145 mmol/L
K5.–5.0 mmol/L
Cl10310310796–109 mmol/L
Ionized Ca0.590.630.731.15–1.30 mmol/L