Case Report

Treatment of Hypochondriasis in Two Schizophrenia Patients Using Clozapine

Table 2

Hypochondriasis Y-BOCS scores before and after clozapine dosage reduction.

ItemCase ACase B
Before clozapine dosage reductionAfter clozapine dosage reductionBefore clozapine dosage reductionAfter clozapine dosage reduction

Time occupied by hypocondriac thoughts3141
Interference of hypocondriac thoughts with functioning3042
Distress caused by hypocondriac thoughts3142
Resistance against hypocondriac thoughts3242
Degree of control over hypochondriac thoughts3142
Insight into hypochondriacal thoughts3142
Time spent performing hypochondriac behaviors2141
Interference due to hypochondriac behaviors2041
Distress associated with hypochondriac behaviors3141

