Case Report

Those Who Hear Music: Three Cases on Musical Hallucinations

Table 1

Comparison of the characteristics of the three patients.

Case 1Case 2Case 3

Demographic Features78-year-old widow29-year-old female garment factory worker86-year-old devoted Buddhist female

Songs of HallucinationsOne song she first heard and liked as a young girl 50 years ago3-4 current songs with no special preferencechanting “pirith” (a form of religious sermon)

Accompanying musicAccompanying music presentAccompanying music presentNo accompanying music

AmplitudeInitially low amplitude but became louder with time causing distressHigh amplitude to a level of distressSlow, rhythmic chanting of the same amplitude.

Memories associatedPleasant memories of the pastNo associated memoriesNo associated past memories

Associated EmotionsEnjoyed the hallucinationWas distressed with the hallucinationsPleasant emotions were evoked as a result of voices

DiagnosisAuditory Charles Bonnet SyndromeOrganic Psychotic disorderVery late onset schizophrenia

TreatmentsHearing aidsQuetiapine 25mgrisperidone 2mg

Response to treatmentsHallucinations completely resolved with treatment.Symptoms improved with treatments.Significant improvement of symptoms and the patient regretted the disappearance of hallucinations