Case Report

Acceptance of Anxiety through Art Therapy: A Case Report Exploring How Anthroposophic Art Therapy Addresses Emotion Regulation and Executive Functioning

Table 1

Timeline of symptoms and previous treatments.

AgeSymptoms and treatments

5/6Anxious experiences in childhood (being frequently locked-up in a closet).
21 and beyondOnset of panic attacks on the train, gradually increasing (only taking slow trains), expanding to fear of elevators (avoiding elevators), fear of driving (avoiding driving alone) and walking alone outside (fear of losing orientation and being lost).
23Rational emotive therapy; no decrease of anxiety symptoms.
38 and beyondIncrease of symptoms after the birth of her children. Also, developing fear for becoming ill and not being able to care for her children.
50Psychotherapy with EMDR: some improvements (more comprehension of the cause of the anxiety); no decrease of anxiety symptoms.
53Applying for AAT with the following symptoms: panic attacks (fear of being locked-up and fear of losing orientation), claustrophobia and hypochondria.