Case Report

A Cause of Bilateral Chylothorax: A Case of Mesothelioma without Pleural Involvement during Initial Diagnosis

Figure 2

(a) Tumoral infiltration was seen between the lymphoid follicles. Tumor cells are medium large cells with large eosinophilic cytoplasm, oval round vesicular nucleus, and distinct nucleolus (HE × 200). (b) Cytoplasmic staining in tumor cells with immunohistochemical Pan-CK stain. Pan-CK × 100. (c) Cytoplasmic and nuclear staining in tumor cells with immunohistochemical Calretinin stain. Calretinin × 400. (d) Nuclear staining in tumor cells by immunohistochemical WT-1 stain. WT-1 × 400. (e) Cytoplasmic staining of tumor cells with immunohistochemical CK 5/6 stain. CK 5/6 × 200.