Case Report

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae Misinterpreted as SARS-CoV-2 Infection

Figure 1

(a) Chest radiograph on the day of admission (March 14, 2020) to an external hospital shows consolidation predominantly in the right upper lobe, vague ill-defined opacities in the right lower lobe and left hilar region, and a diffuse interstitial pattern combined with bronchial wall thickening. (b) Chest X-ray on the day of admission to a tertiary care hospital depicts progressive pneumonia characterized by diffuse reticular and nodular patterns (March 22). (c) Chest X-ray shortly after discharge from the ICU (April 2) shows almost complete regression of previous infiltrations. The patient did not need supplementary oxygen at that time. (d, e) Computed tomography of the chest on March 16th confirms consolidation of the right upper lobe and reveals multifocal, patchy consolidations, ill-defined airspace infiltrates, and ground-glass opacifications. Additional centrilobular nodular appearance and thickening of the bronchovascular structures are present.