Case Report

Inferior Vena Cava Duplication: Incidental Case in a Young Woman

Figure 1

(a) CT axial images that presented from caudal to cranial sections show double IVC (arrows) below the renal veins. (b) The right IVC receives the right renal vein (arrow). (c) The left IVC receives the left renal vein (white arrow); presence of the hepatic portion (red arrow) of the IVC in the CT section before draining into the right renal vein. (d) The left renal vein (white arrow) crosses posterior to the aorta to join the right IVC; continuation of hepatic segment (red arrow). (e) The hepatic veins drain into a hypoplastic hepatic segment (arrow) of the IVC. (f) Coronal MPR image shows the hypoplastic hepatic segment (red arrow) draining into the right renal vein (white arrow), at the confluence with the right IVC. (g) The right IVC continues cephalad as the azygos vein (arrow) within the retrocrural space.