Case Report

Detection and Intervention of Clinically Masquerading Inferior Mesenteric Artery AVMs

Figure 2

CTA of the abdomen and pelvis (early arterial phase images) 4 days after initial presentation. Maximum intensity projection (MIP) coronal image (a) displays prominent tortuous third-order branches of the IMA within the left abdomen adjacent to the descending colon (arrows). The descending colon appears thickened (star) with persistent pericolonic fat stranding. MIP coronal image (b) displays the superior rectal artery (arrowhead) leading to a tangle of vessels, the presumed nidus (arrow). MIP coronal image (c) exhibits aneurysmal dilatation of a venous outflow tract contiguous with outflow from the sigmoid territory (arrow). 3D volume rendered coronal oblique image (d) displays the prominent tortuous vascular structure in the inferior mesenteric vascular territory (arrow).