Case Report

Emergent Completion Pneumonectomy for Postoperative Hemorrhage from Rupture of the Infected Pulmonary Artery in Lung Cancer Surgery

Figure 3

(a) The pulmonary artery was inflammated, edematous, and fragile. A: The first hemorrhage part in peripheral had been completely closed by prolene with pledgets. B: The second bleeding lesion was in the proximal lesion; a large cleft was opened. (b) A: adventitia; B: media; C: intima; D: organizing thrombi. Pathology disclosing the ruptured lesion of pulmonary arterial wall, in which adventitia and media tunicas were thin because of tearing off. (c) A: adventitia; B: media; C: intima. A severe inflammatory change has been observed in the three tunicas of the pulmonary arterial vessel.