Case Report

Vertebral Column Metastases from an Esthesioneuroblastoma: Chemotherapy, Radiation, and Resection for Recurrence with 15-Year Followup

Table 2

Summary of location or primary and spinal metastates, initial treatment, and outcome in previously published cases of metastatic esthesioneuroblastoma.

ReferenceAge (yrs) sexLocation of
Initial treatmentRecurrence and presenting
spinal symptoms
Location of spine metastasesOutcome

[28] 67 M Nasal cavity Biopsy, radiation therapy (total dose 6000 r) Sacral and coccygeal pain with sphincter incontinence lumbar spine (cauda equina) Death
[1] NA Nasal cavity Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy NA Spinal cord NA
[3] NA Nasal cavity Surgery and radiation therapy NA Spinal cord Death
[29]47 M Nasal cavity, frontal lobe Biopsy and radiation Therapy NA lumbar spine Death
[5] 39 M Nasal cavity Surgery (resection) NA Spinal cord and vertebral column Death
[30] 75 F Nasal cavity Biopsy, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy Radiating pain in the left leg, decreasing urinary continence Lumbar spine (cauda equina); malignant tumor cells in CSF Death
[20] 20 F Nasal cavity. Surgical resection; radiation therapy (plus WBRT); systemic chemotherapy.Left arm pain and numbness with mild weakness and diminished reflexes Cervical 6 nerve foramen; malignant tumor cells in CSF Death
[24] NA Nasal cavity Surgical resection, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy NA Epidural spine NA
[10] 76 F Nasal cavity Biopsy and radiation therapy Pain over the buttock with radiation to thigh with paresthesias in soles of the feet lumbar spine (cauda equina); malignant tumor cells in CSF Death
[31] 35 M Nasal cavity Surgical resection NA Thoracic 5–8 Death
[4] NA NA Surgical resection and/or radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy NA Thoracic vertebrae Death
[7] 51 F
47 F
Nasal cavity (1): Subtotal resection and radiation therapy
(2): Gross total resection and radiation therapy
Thoracic pain and lower extremity weakness Thoracic 8 subarachnoid nodule and lumbar spine Death
[16] NA NA Radiation therapy, surgical resection, chemotherapy, or combination NA Intramedullary spinal cord NA
[19] 28 M Lamina cribrosa Debulking surgery and radiation therapy Pain between the scapulae Thoracic 4–8 Living
[23] 37 M Nasal cavity, frontal lobe Surgical resection and radiation therapy Poor visual acuity and diplopia Cervical 3–7 and lumbar 2–4 Death
[12] 49 M Nasal cavity Surgical resection Low back pain Lumbar spine (cauda equina) Living
[32] 51 F Kadish Stage C ENB Surgical resection and radiation therapy Dyspnea and a painful chest wall mass Thoracic and lumbar vertebrae Death
[33] NA Nasal cavity Surgical resection and radiotherapy NA Lumbar spine (cauda equina) Death
[15] 64 M Head and neck Surgical resection and radiation therapy Mid back pain and consistent burning intensity Thoracic 4–8 Living
[22] 59 M Nasal cavity, frontal lobe Surgical resection and radiation therapy Upper extremity weakness: hand clumsiness, tingling of the arms, and upper chest Metastases to the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal cord Living