Case Report

Torsion of Hydrosalpinx with Concurrent Acute Cholecystitis: Case Report and Review of Literature

Table 1

Fallopian tube torsion: predisposing factors and theories for etiology [7, 8].

Intrinsic (directly related to Fallopian tube)Inflammatory disease, hydrosalpinx, hematosalpinx
Tubal neoplasms, for example, cyst of Morgagni, adenofibroma
Congenital abnormalities, for example, stricture
Venous congestion leading to spiraling of veins
Tubal surgery: tubal ligation, reconstruction
Physiological abnormalities: hypermobility, spasm, excessive length, or tortuosity
Abnormal peristalsis due to autonomic dysfunction, drugs
Anatomic malformations in tube or mesosalpinx
ExtrinsicOvarian or paraovarian masses or cysts
Uterine enlargement (pregnancy, tumors)
Mechanical factors/trauma to pelvic organs