Case Report

Brown Bowel Syndrome in a Middle-Aged Woman with Chronic Idiopathic Malabsorption

Table 1

ReferencePatientUnderlying diseaseComplications

[3]M 58Coeliac diseaseMassive dilatation of the colon, intestinal bleeding
[3]F 68Coeliac disease-
[3]F 68Coeliac diseaseIntestinal pseudoobstruction
[5]M 58Coeliac diseaseIntestinal bleeding
[6]M 31Alcohol abuseIleal intussusception
[7]F 58Jejunoileal bypass (obesity surgery)Severe osteodystrophy, metabolic complications
[10]F 67Crohn’s diseaseIntestinal obstruction
[12]M 52Malabsorption syndrome (unspecified)-
[13]M 34Coeliac diseaseMassive dilatation of the colon
[14]M 52Endemic sprueIntestinal pseudoobstruction, volvulus
[16]F 11Jejunal atresia at birth (operated in the neonatal period)Massive dilatation of the small bowel
[16]M 10Jejunal atresia at birth (operated in the neonatal period)Intestinal obstruction
[18]M 11Malabsorption syndrome (unspecified)Massive dilatation of the small bowel
[19]F 47Chronic jejunitisMultiple cancers of the small bowel
[20]M 79Malnutrition, alcohol abuseMassive dilatation of the colon, volvulus
[22]M 30Protein loosing enteropathyDiarrhea
[22]M 53Coeliac disease-
[22]M 37Chronic pancreatitis-
[22]M 71Coeliac disease-