Case Report

A Thought-Provoking Case of Successfully Treated Carcinoma of the Head of the Pancreas with Metachronous Lung Metastasis: Impact of Distal Spleno-Renal Shunt for Regional Invasion on Long-Term Period after Pancreaticoduodenectomy

Figure 3

Surgical procedures. (a) The splenic vein is ligated and cut, and the splenic vein is temporarily clamped. The left renal vein is partially clamped. (b) A venous orifice is made on the superior aspect of the LRV. The splenic vein and left renal vein are set in the end-to-side fashion by bilateral fixation sutures. (c, d) The splenic vein is anastomosed to the left renal vein in the end-to-side fashion by unabsorbable polypropylene. LAdV: left adrenal vein; LOV: left ovarian vein; LRV: left renal vein; SpV: splenic vein.