Case Report

Splenic Artery Infarct Requiring Surgery: A Rare Complication of COVID-19 Infection

Table 1

Timeline of clinical sequelae of the patient.


Day 0 (hospital admission)SARS-CoV-2 infection—fever, dry cough, dyspnea-HNPC
Day 2Increased abdominal pain—first CT scan (no pathology)
Day 14Increased abdominal pain—second CT scan (splenic artery infarct and hypoperfusion on the spleen). Gradual respiratory improvement-venturi mask 50%. Start of LMWH (enoxaparin)
Day 17Portosplenic vein triplex: incomplete splenic artery obstruction, normal blood flow in splenic and portal vein
Day 21Severe abdominal pain—first surgical operation: laparotomy and splenectomy
Day 26Fever and high CRP
Day 28No need for supplementary oxygen
Day 32Fever—new onset of abdominal pain
Third CT scan (hematoma at the splenic bed)
Day 45Second surgical operation: evacuation of the hematoma, washing of the peritoneal cavities and drains
Day 53Revision CT scan of the chest: confirms the damage to the lungs that was made by coronavirus
Day 56Discharge from hospital