Case Report

Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Synchronous Bilateral Testicular Seminoma: A Case Report and a Review of the Pertinent Literature

Table 2

Select series, incidence of BGCT and synchronous stage I seminomas, therapy, and outcomes.

AuthorYears studiedBGCTS-BGCTCS-BGCT CS-BGCT Stage IAdjuvant radiationFSDose

Patel et al. [2] 1935–44; 1977–86194222/2 ***Died in <2 yrs
Wanderås et al. [3]1953-199068877/8 all stagesLikely All got RT **Inver-
ted Y
Coogan et al. [4]Unknown 215322/2 NED
Ondrus et al. [6]1977–2001273111/1NED
Che et al. [7]1978–1999244333/3 NED
Géczi et al. [9]1988–1998721913 *85/19 5 yr OS 84%
Holzbeierlein et al. [10]1950–20015810 32/32/2
Theodore et al. [11]1997–2002451491
Hentrich et al. [12]1979–2003479421/2 NED

BGCT: bilateral germ cell tumor; S-BGCT: synchronous bilateral germ cell tumor; CS-BGCT: classic seminoma, synchronous bilateral germ cell tumor; FS: field size; *did not differentiate those who were CS-BGCT and stage I; **pre 1980, included groins in anterior field for higher risk patients; ***both who died in <2 yrs were treated in 1935–1944 era; —: not reported.