Case Report

Postrenal Failure due to Urinary Stones Associated with Acute Viral Gastroenteritis: Three Case Reports

Table 1

Summary of the clinical and laboratory data for the three cases.

Clinical and laboratory dataCase Case Case

Age (months old)281315
Interval from outbreak4 days5 days5 days
Rotavirus antigen in EIAPositiveNot measuredPositive
Laboratory data in serum
 BUN (mg/dL)107.984.340.5
 Cre (mg/dL)6.385.252.34
 UA (mg/dL)15.117.310.0
 Na (mg/dL)132127135
Analysis of stonesNot investigatedAAUAAU

EIA, enzyme immunoassay; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; Cre, creatinine; UA, uric acid; Na, sodium; AAU, ammonium acid urate.