Case Report

A Tumultuous Course of Exogenous Testosterone by a Bodybuilder Causing a Catastrophic Hypercoagulable State in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit

Table 1

Initial hematologic studies which indicate an unremarkable coagulopathic evaluation.

Initial hematologic labsReference range and unitsResult

Hemoglobin13.1–17.3 g/dl15.0
Platelets150–450 × 109/L330
Heparin anti-xa unfractioned0.30–0.70 IU/mL0.36
Protime9.5–12.6 sec12.3
Anticardiolipin IgA0–19.9 APL0.5
Anticardiolipin IgM Ab0–19.9 MPL0.5
Anticardiolipin IgG0–19.9 GPL<1.6
Beta-2 gp1 IgA0–19.9 u/mL<0.6
Beta-2 gp1 IgM0–19.9 u/mL0.5
Beta-2 gp1 IgG0–19.9 u/mL<1.4
Homocysteine5.90–16.00 mcmol/L14.64
Collagen/epinipherine0–179 sec112
Collagen/adp0–114 sec91
Heparin pf4 antibody (hit)<0.4 OD0.168
JAK2 exon 12 mutation detectionNegative. No pathogenic genetic alterations were detected in JAK2, exons 12–15.
Pnh by flow cytometryNo evidence of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria detected by flow cytometry.
Factor V leiden R506Q gene mutationNegative. The patient does not have the Factor V leiden mutation.
Prothrombin G20210A gene mutationNegative. The patient does not have the prothrombin G20210A mutation.