Case Report

Congenital Coronary Artery Anomalies: Three Cases and Brief Review of the Literature

Figure 6

(a, b) Coronary angiogram: right anterior oblique caudal projection (a) and left anterior oblique caudal “spider” projection (b). A very short LMCA, best visualized in (b), gives rise to the LCx and a common LAD trunk which we denote as LAD-P. The LAD-P bifurcates into two arteries, S-LAD, giving rise to long septal perforators, and L-LAD reaching the apex, giving rise to shorter perforating arteries and diagonals. LAD-P: left anterior descending proper; L-LAD: long LAD; S-LAD: short LAD; LCx: left circumflex artery; S: septal perforating branches.