Case Report

Use of Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography (CE-MRA) for the Diagnosis of a Vascular Ring Anomaly in a Dog

Figure 2

CE-MRA images demonstrating persistent right aortic arch with left-sided ligamentum arteriosum and focal megaesophagus. Dorsal plane image (a) shows the location of the aortic arch (AA) on the right and displacing the trachea (T) and dilated esophagus (E) to the left. An indistinct linear soft tissue band extends leftward from the proximal descending aorta immediately caudal to the area of maximum esophageal dilation ((b); arrow) consistent with the left ligamentum arteriosum. Dorsal maximum intensity projection reconstructed image at the level of the cranial descending aorta (c) demonstrates a small focal left-sided dilation of the aorta consistent with the ductus diverticulum (arrow). There is no evidence of blood flow through the ligamentum arteriosum.