Case Report

Ventricular Habronemiasis in Aviary Passerines

Figure 2

(a) Lower power view of ventriculus from L. lutea. Multiple cross-sections of Procyrnea sp. nematodes (asterisks) with lateral alae (arrows) are visible between the mucosa and fragmented koilin layer (H&E stain). M: mucosa; K: koilin layer. Scale bar = 200 μm. (b) Higher power view of the ventriculus from a more severely affected Z. japonicus. The koilin layer above the Procyrnea sp. nematodes is largely absent and there is regionally extensive mucosal ulceration which is covered with a mat of fungal hyphae admixed with fibrin and cell debris. The posterior spicule from a male nematode (arrow) is captured in longitudinal section (H&E stain). M: mucosa; U: ulceration. Scale bar = 100 μm. (c) Cross-section through a female Procyrnea sp. nematode from a Z. japonicus containing large numbers of larvated, thick-shelled eggs (H&E stain). U: uterus. Scale bar = 50 μm. (d) Large sinusoidal accumulations of brightly eosinophilic amyloid (asterisks) compress the adjacent hepatocytes in a liver from a L. lutea (Congo red stain). Scale bar = 20 μm.