Case Report

Presumptive Ischemic Brain Infarction in a Dog with Evans’ Syndrome

Figure 1

Magnetic resonance images of the brain. Transverse T2-weighted (a), FLAIR (b), T1-weighted (c), and T1-weighted, after IV gadolinium administration, (d) images at level of the thalamus; (e) dorsal FLAIR image at level of the dorsal part of the lateral ventricles. There are extensive focal grey and white matter T2 and FLAIR hyperintensity in the right temporal lobe without mass effect (white arrows). The lesion appears isointense to the normal gray matter (c) with mild contrast enhancement (black arrow) (d). The signal changes are most marked within the cortical gray matter (a). On dorsal plane the lesion extends to the right caudate nucleus (arrowhead) (e). Based on MRI features and distribution, the lesion appeared compatible with ischemic infarct in the territory of the right middle cerebral artery and its striate branches.