Case Report

A Rare Case of Oral Papillomatosis in a Goat Kid

Figure 2

The histopathology result in this case of caprine papilloma tissues. (a) Overall hyperproliferation on the epidermis layer, characterized by thickening of the epidermal layer (black, double head arrow) and formation of rete peg which from epidermis layer extended to dermis layer (white arrow), indicating acanthosis. (b) Presence of nucleated cells within the stratum corneum (red arrow), indicating parakeratotic hyperkeratosis. Evidence of angiogenesis with the presence of the luminal structure surrounded by the endothelial cell (yellow arrow) and filled with some red blood cells. Hypercellularity of the dermis layer, filled with spindle-shaped fibroblast (blue arrow). (c) Presence of ballooning cell indicating koilocytosis (green arrow). H&E staining and magnification (a) 4x, (b) 10x, and (c) 40x.