Clinical Study

Comparison of Comfort and Effectiveness of Total Face Mask and Oronasal Mask in Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation in Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure: A Clinical Trial

Table 6

IPAP, EPAP, and O2 requirement within the first hour in the two groups.

Ventilator settingTFM ONM value
N = 24N = 24

IPAP (cm H2O)13.21 ± 1.8914.46 ± 3.130.273
EPAP (cm H2O)5.04 ± 0.816.17 ± 1.740.010
O2 (Lit/min)8.13 ± 4.879.92 ± 3.430.180

IPAP: inspiratory positive airway pressure; EPAP: expiratory positive airway pressure.
Mann–Whitney U test.