Research Article

Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax Admitted in Emergency Unit: Does First Episode Differ from Recurrence? A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 2

Clinical presentation in first PSP and recurrence admissions.

Variables CategoryFirst PSP
Recurrence PSP

Respiratory rate (per minute)0.75
≤25271 (83.38%)184 (84.40%)
>2554 (16.62%)34 (15.60%)
Heart rate (beats per minute)0.24
≤120785 (96.44%)513 (97.71%)
>12029 (3.56%)12 (2.29%)
Mean blood pressure (mmHg)0.19
<7015 (1.86%)5 (0.95%)
≥70793 (98.14%)520 (99.05%)
SpO2 (%)0.49
<909 (1.20%)4 (0.80%)
≥90744 (98.80%)498 (99.20%)
yes345 (39.75%)204 (38.13%)
no523 (60.25%)331 (61.87%)
≤4300 (49.18%)209 (53.73%)
>4310 (50.82%)180 (46.27%)

PSP, primary spontaneous pneumothorax; NRS, Numerical Rating Scale from 0 to 10.
value: degree of statistical significance in multilevel analysis.