Research Article

Adrenal Insufficiency in Cystic Fibrosis: A Rare Phenomenon?

Table 2

Paraclinical characteristics of patients with CF according to their adrenal function .

SufficientInsufficient value

Pulmonary function test
FEV1 (% pred)44.6 (22.0–120.0)52.9 (27.5–82.6)0.509
FVC (% pred)69.9 (32.8–113.8)72.6 (51.0–97.8)0.885
RV (% pred)177.0 (80.0–414.0)197.5 (126.0–406.0)0.271
Fasting cortisol (nmol/L)421.0 (191.0–954.0)146.0 (12.0–335.0)≤0.001
Cortisol (nmol/L)
1 μg functional cortrosyn test (n)3328
 0 minutes388.0 (113.0–852.0)139.5 (10.0–382.0)≤0.001
 30 minutes628.0 (502.0–1079.0)354.0 (25.0–491.0)≤0.001
 60 minutes510.0 (210.0–902.0)300.5 (23.0–457.0)≤0.001
250 μg functional cortrosyn test (n)22
 0 minutes426.5 (407.0–446.0)158.5 (26.0–291.0)NA
 30 minutes637.5 (606.0–669.0)325.5 (179.0–472.0)NA
 60 minutes678.0 (664.0–692.0)309.5 (238.0–381.0)NA
WBC (109/L)7.6 (4.1–10.8)8.0 (2.55–17.5)0.294
Systemic corticosteroids (% yes)042.4≤0.001
Duration (months)18.0 (0.25–74.0)
Inhaled corticosteroids (% yes)66.793.90.005
Chronic inhaled antibiotic (% yes)
Medical history
Number of hospitalizations (2 years prior to diagnosis)2.0 (0–8.0)2.0 (0–11.0)0.593
Number of intravenous antibiotic treatments (2 years prior to diagnosis)3.0 (0–8.0)3.0 (0–11.0)0.565
Non-TB mycobacteria (% yes)
Staphylococcus aureus (% yes)31.439.40.495
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (% yes)
Aspergillus and fungi (% yes)
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (% yes)
Others (% yes)19.412.10.410

FEV1, forced expiratory volume-one second; FVC, forced vital capacity; RV, residual volume; WBC, white blood cell count; TB, tuberculous; NA, not applicable. Median and interval range are shown. value < 0.05 represents Mann-Whitney Student’s t-test.