Research Article

Intrabullous Adhesion Pexia (IBAP) by Percutaneous Pulmonary Bulla Centesis: An Alternative for the Surgical Treatment of Giant Pulmonary Bulla (GPB)

Table 4

The complications in perioperative period in 38 cases.

Perioperative complications (cases)Incidence rates (%)

Noninfective inflammation of the ipsilateral lung38100.00
Ipsilateral pleural effusion3284.21
In a small amount2771.05
In a large amount needing drainage513.16
Ipsilateral secondary pneumothorax2463.16
Nontension pneumothorax2257.90
Tension pneumothorax25.26
Subcutaneous emphysema718.42
Asymptomatic ipsilateral pleural thickening1334.21
Bronchopleural fistula00.00