Research Article

Poorer Prognosis of Idiopathic Pleuroparenchymal Fibroelastosis Compared with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Advanced Stage

Table 6

Prognostic factors for the overall survival of IPPFE patients during the follow-up period.

ParameterHR (95% CI) value

Univariate Cox proportional hazards model
Age0.967 (0.887–1.053)0.436
Sex (F/M)4.866 (1.422–16.650)0.012
Clubbed finger (p/n)4.032 (1.098–14.801)0.036
Fine crackles (p/n)1.609 (0.338–7.658)0.550
APDT/TDT (%)0.983 (0.892–1.084)0.737
BMI0.990 (0.813–1.206)0.921
Smoking history (y/n)3.014 (0.876–10.374)0.080
Pack-years1.024 (1.004–1.045)0.020
History of pneumothorax7.829 (1.256–48.45)0.027
GAP index1.675 (1.153–2.435)0.007
GAP stages (II + III/I)10.841 (2.258–52.048)0.003
SpO2 (%)1.141 (0.708–1.838)0.588
FVC %pred (%)0.946 (0.909–0.984)0.006
FEV1/FVC (%)0.998 (0.954–1.043)0.912
TLC %pred (%)0.883 (0.824–0.953)0.001
RV %pred (%)0.992 (0.961–1.025)0.642
RV/TLC %pred (%)1.001 (0.984–1.018)0.903
DLco %pred (%)0.866 (0.799–0.939)<0.001
DLco/VA %pred (%)0.895 (0.831–0.964)0.003
PaCO2 (Torr)1.086 (0.909–1.298)0.361
A-aDO2 (Torr)1.090 (1.018–1.167)0.013
ANA (40≥/40<)1.144 (0.334–3.923)0.831
SP-A (ng/ml)1.006 (0.983–1.031)0.604
SP-D (ng/ml)1.001 (0.998–1.004)0.601
KL-6 (U/ml)1.001 (1.000–1.002)0.027
ΔFVC (L)0.016 (0.001–0.433)0.014
ΔTLC (L)0.001 (0.000–0.113)0.005
ΔRV (L)0.018 (0.000–1.811)0.088
ΔRV/TLC (%)1.018 (0.838–1.236)0.857
ΔDLco (ml/min/mmHg)0.021 (0.000–50180)0.607
Lower lobe involvement (definite UIP and possible UIP/NSIP)2.199 (0.626–7.730)0.219

Multivariate Cox proportional hazards model
GAP index2.510 (1.245–5.059)0.010
FVC %pred (%)0.903 (0.830–0.982)0.017

APDT = anteroposterior diameter of the thorax; TDT = transverse diameter of the thorax; BMI = body mass index; GAP = (gender (G), age (A), and two lung physiology variables (P) (FVC and DLco)); SpO2 = arterial oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry; FVC = forced vital capacity; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in 1 s; TLC = total lung capacity; RV = residual volume; DLco = diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide; A-aDO2 = alveolar-arterial oxygen difference; ANA = antinuclear antibody; SP = surfactant protein; KL-6 = Krebs von den Lungen-6.