Research Article

Impacts of Coil Treatment on Anxiety and Depression in Emphysema

Table 3

Comparisons of beck anxiety and beck depression scores before and after coil treatment of patients with and without psychiatric diagnosis.

Mean ± SDUz

BAI (pre)Patients without PD12.1 ± 6.339.500−0.7110.488
Patients with PD15.0 ± 7.8

BAI (post)Patients without PD11.2 ± 9.349.0000.0001.000
Patients with PD9.2 ± 4.9

BDI-I (pre)Patients without PD13.5 ± 10.442.500−0.4860.636
Patients with PD15.1 ± 11.1

BDI-I (post)Patients without PD8.8 ± 10.643.500−0.4120.689
Patients with PD7.1 ± 4.9

BAI (pre), precoil beck anxiety inventory; BDI-I (pre), precoil beck depression inventory; BAI (post), postcoil beck anxiety inventory; BDI-I (post), postcoil beck depression inventory; PD, psychiatric diagnosis; SD, standard deviation; U, Mann–Whitney U test; z, Mann–Whitney U test statistic.