Research Article

Development and Relevance of Hypercapnia in COPD

Table 3

Characteristics of the sleep study cohort at baseline and 1 year.

No AHRF (n = 94)AHRF (n = 66) value

Age (years)65.4 (63.4–67.5)67.6 (65.4–69.8)0.16
Sex (male)50 (53.2)34 (51.5)0.83
Weight (kg)71.0 (60.1–84.4)76.8 (71.2–82.3)0.47
BMI26.6 (23.2–31.7)29.1 (27.1–31.1)0.31
pH7.4 (7.4–7.4)7.4 (7.4–7.4)0.04
PaO29.2 (8.9–9.7)8.5 (8.1–8.8)<0.01
PaCO25.0 (4.5–5.6)5.7 (5.5–5.9)<0.01
HCO3-25.2 (24.0–26.5)27.4 (26.2–28.7)<0.01
BE0.6 (−1.1-2.5)2.35 (1.2–4.9)<0.01
Hypercapnia7 (7.4)13 (19.7)0.02
CAT23.5 (21.8–25.2)22.7 (20.5–25.0)0.5
Epworth sleep score9.0 (5.0–14.0)8.00 (4.0–12.0)0.2
Bronchiectasis (% of those with CT)13/68 (19.1)5/40 (12.5)0.37
Emphysema56/68 (82.35)30/40 (75)0.59
LTOT10/94 (10.6)10/66 (15.2)0.40
Pack years45.0 (30.0–60.0)48.5 (38.0–64.3)0.12
FEV11.4 (0.9–1.8)0.9 (0.7–1.5)<0.01
FEV1 % predicted56.5 (52.2–60.9)43.77 (39.55–47.99)<0.01
FVC2.7 (2.6–2.9)2.3 (2.1–2.5)<0.01
FVC % predicted86.5 (72.0–100.0)76.1 (71.2–81.0)<0.01
FEV1/FVC0.5 (0.5–0.6)0.5 (0.4–0.5)0.02
OSA on sleep study14 (14.9)29 (43.9)<0.01
AHI2.4 (0.6–4.6)3.7 (0.5–8.8)0.09
ODI5.6 (3.3–10.1)7.5 (4.5–14.1)0.08
Mean oxygen sats during sleep study90.4 (87.7–92.5)89.6 (85.6–92.6)0.26
Time under 90%12.0 (1.6–52.3)23.1 (3.5–96.1)0.04
Death at 12 months5/94 (5.3)10/66 (15.2)0.35
Follow-up PaCO24.9 (4.5–5.6)4.9 (4.5–5.4)0.66

Data are shown as mean (SE) or median (IQR) for quantitative measures, and n (%) for binary outcomes, which are further denoted by italic text. CAT = COPD assessment test, LTOT = long-term oxygen therapy, AHI = apnoea hyponoea index, and ODI = oxygen desaturation index.