Research Article

Identification of Signal Pathways and Hub Genes of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension by Bioinformatic Analysis

Figure 2

Volcano plots, cluster heatmaps, and Venn diagram of DEGs for GSE53408 and GSE113439 datasets. (a) Volcano plots of GSE53408 and GSE113439 datasets. Red dots represent upregulated genes based on adjusted value <0.05 and log2FC ≥ 1. Blue dots represent downregulated genes based on adjusted value<0.05 and log2FC ≤ −1. The black points represent genes with no significant difference. FC is the fold change. (b) Cluster heatmaps of the top 100 significant genes of GSE53408 and GSE113439 data. Red indicates that the gene expression is upregulated, blue indicates that the gene expression is downregulated, and white indicates no significant changes in gene expression. Abbreviations: DEGs, differentially expressed genes. (c) Venn diagram of DEGs, left panel: the upregulated overlapping DEGs in the two datasets are 442; right panel: the downregulated overlapping DEGs in the two datasets are 84.