Research Article

Prognostic Role of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma Physiology Score for in-Hospital and 1-year Mortality in Patients with Acute Exacerbations of COPD

Table 2

Baseline demographic characteristics of patients with AECOPD.

CharacteristicDead (n = 18)Alive (n = 222)P Value

Age (years)80.83 ± 6.0676.94 ± 8.300.019
Sex, n (%)0.868
Male14 (77.8)162 (73.0)
Female4 (22.2)60 (27.0)
BMI (kg/m2)19.48 ± 3.2621.50 ± 3.860.032
Hospital stay (days)8.22 ± 4.787.66 ± 2.730.630
Smoking status, n (%)0.273
Never smoker2 (11.1)57 (25.7)
Current/ever smoker16 (88.9)165 (74.3)
Smoking history (pack-years)40.11 ± 27.5936.67 ± 35.450.688
COPD stage, n (%)0.939
I1 (5.6)19 (8.6)
II8 (44.4)85 (38.3)
III6 (33.3)82 (36.9)
IV3 (16.7)36 (16.2)
CHF, n (%)11 (61.1)32 (14.4)<0.001
RD, n (%)8 (44.4)19 (8.6)<0.001
Exacerbations during preceding year, n (%)15 (83.3)103 (46.4)0.006
Lymphocyte count (×109/L)0.93 ± 0.531.35 ± 0.760.022
Percentage of neutrophils (%)83.8 ± 10.075.3 ± 11.80.003
PH7.36 ± 0.157.40 ± 0.040.280
PaO2 (mmHg)85.0 ± 33.390.2 ± 25.70.425
PaCO2 (mmHg)49.0 ± 22.344.9 ± 10.60.446
CAPS (points)31.11 ± 10.0516.49 ± 7.11<0.001

CAPS, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma physiology score; CHF, congestive heart failure; RD, renal dysfunction; PaO2, arterial oxygen tension; PaCO2, arterial carbon dioxide tension.