Research Article

Prognostic Role of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma Physiology Score for in-Hospital and 1-year Mortality in Patients with Acute Exacerbations of COPD

Table 3

Baseline characteristics stratified by CAPS.

CharacteristicCAPS ≥21 points (67)CAPS <21 points (173)P Value

Hospitalization mortality (%)23.881.16<0.001
Age (years)81.18 ± 6.7975.71 ± 8.21<0.001
Sex, n (%)0.544
Male51 (76.1)125 (72.3)
Female16 (23.9)48 (27.7)
BMI (kg/m2)20.92 ± 3.9521.51 ± 3.810.288
Hospital stay (days)8.09 ± 3.187.55 ± 2.810.204
Smoking status, n (%)0.135
Never smoked12 (17.9)47 (27.2)
Current smoker/ever smoked55 (82.1)126 (72.8)
Smoking history (pack-years)41.37 ± 37.6835.21 ± 33.690.220
COPD stage, n (%)0.228
I3 (4.5)17 (9.8)
II32 (47.8)61 (35.3)
III21 (31.3)67 (38.7)
IV11 (16.4)28 (16.2)
CHF, n (%)22 (32.8)21 (12.1)<0.001
RD, n (%)20 (29.9)7 (4.0)<0.001
Exacerbations during preceding year, n (%)39 (58.2)79 (45.7)0.081
Number of acute exacerbations before admission (times)1.0 (0, 2.0)0 (0, 1.0)0.047
Lymphocyte count (×109/L)1.07 ± 0.911.42 ± 0.650.001
Percentage of neutrophils (%)82.3 ± 11.673.4 ± 11.1<0.001
PH7.39 ± 0.097.39 ± 0.040.642
PaO2 (mmHg)88.3 ± 27.290.3 ± 26.00.592
PaCO2 (mmHg)44.0 ± 13.245.7 ± 11.20.339

CAPS, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma physiology score; CHF, congestive heart failure; RD, renal dysfunction.