Clinical Study

Impact of Moderate to Severe Renal Impairment on Mortality and Appropriate Shocks in Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the study population.

GFR ≥ 60GFR 30–59GFR < 30P-value
( = 289)( = 188)( = 32)

Age (years)686973.04
Male Gender (%)928883.10
NYHA class ≥ 3 (%)516371.04
QRS > 120 msec (%)304954.40
Ejection Fraction (mean)323228.60
Ischemic heart disease778389.04
BUN (mean)203448<.03
Creatinine (mean)<.01
Hemoglobin (mean)14.01312.6.06
Indication:Primary Prevention (%)727684.08
blocker (%)747878.97
ACEi (%)635854.28
ARB (%)142221.28
Aldosterone inhibitor (%)689.39
Digoxin (%)525051.85
Loop diuretic (%)486468.03
Statin (%)696460.29
Anti-arrhythmic (%)192832.44

DM: diabetes mellitus; BUN: blood urea Nitrogen; ACEi: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors; ARB: angiotensin receptor blockers; NYHA: New York heart association; Statin: hydroxyl-methyl-glutaryl CoA inhibitors.