Clinical Study

ST-Segment Depression in Hyperventilation Indicates a False Positive Exercise Test in Patients with Mitral Valve Prolapse

Table 1

Patients characteristics, echocardiographic and angiographic data.

Males ( )Females ( ) value

Baseline characteristics

Age NS
Arterial hypertension7/103 (7%)11/115 (10%)NS
Diabetes mellitus5/103 (5%)7/115 (6%)NS
Hypercholesterolemia38/103 (37%)46/115 (40%)NS
Smoking35/103 (34%)32/115 (28%)NS

Echocardiographic data

Leaflet involved:
 (i) anterior80/103 (78%)77/115 (67%).048
 (ii) posterior23/103 (22%)38/115 (33%).042

Angiographic data

Vessels involved:
 (i) 038/103 (37%)52/115 (45%)NS
 (ii) 133/103 (32%)37/115 (32%)NS
 (iii) 221/103 (20%)18/115 (16%)NS
 (iv) 311/103 (11%)8/115 (7%)NS

LVEF: Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction, NS: Not Significant.