Clinical Study

ST-Segment Depression in Hyperventilation Indicates a False Positive Exercise Test in Patients with Mitral Valve Prolapse

Table 3

Correlation of ST-segment depression at hyperventilation with angiographic result.

No-CAD (Group A, )CAD (Group B, ) value

Patients with ST at hyperventilation

Males ( )21/38 (55%)6/65 (9%).004
Females ( )33/52 (63%)8/63 (13%).002
Total population ( )54/90 (60%)14/128 (11%).001

Patients without ST at hyperventilation

Males ( )17/38 (45%)59/65 (91%).004
Females ( )19/52 (37%)55/63 (87%).002
Total population ( )36/90 (40%)114/128 (89%).001

CAD: coronary artery disease.