Review Article

Focused Review on Transthoracic Echocardiographic Assessment of Patients with Continuous Axial Left Ventricular Assist Devices

Figure 2

Interventricular dependency. Parasternal long axis view showing severely dilated LV (end-diastolic dimension 85 mm). (b) Apical 4-chamber view showing interventricular, interatrial septa shifted to the right, and increased tenting and annular dimensions of mitral valve apparatus. (c) and (d) Systolic right ventricular and right atrial pressure is increased. The same patient two months after surgery. (e) End-diastolic diameter decreased, and septal and posterior walls have thickened. (f) Interventricular and interatrial septa are now shifted to the left. Mitral annulus and tenting area have decreased as well as functional mitral regurgitation. (g) and (h) Systolic right ventricular and right atrial pressures have decreased significantly.