Research Article

Association of Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress Markers with Metabolic Syndrome in Asian Indians in India

Table 4

(a) Multinominal regression analysis: Odds ratio and 95% CI for inflammatory and oxidative stress markers for subjects with and without MetS

OR (95% CI) 𝑃 -value

Inflammatory markers
 sPLA20.967 (0.64–1.455).874
 Interleukin 61.298 (0.934–1.804).120
 hsCRP1.492 (1.144–1.947).003**
 Fibrinogen0.525 (0.168–1.634).266
Oxidative stress markers
 Myeloperoxidase1.262 (0.810–1.969).304
 Neopterin2.934 (1.809–4.758)<.0001**
 oxLDL6.031 (2.856–12.740)<.0001**

Reference category: individuals without MetS and without CAD.
(b) Multinominal regression analysis: odds ratio and 95% CI for various inflammatory and oxidative stress markers for subjects with MetS and CAD

OR (95% CI) 𝑃 -value

Inflammatory markers
 sPLA20.670 (0.435–1.030).068
 Interleukin 64.716 (3.120–7.130)<.0001**
 hsCRP0.967 (0.738–1.268).810
 Fibrinogen0.313 (0.102–0.964).043*
Oxidative stress markers
 Myeloperoxidase1.842 (1.105–3.072).019*
 Neopterin6.209 (3.549–10.864)<.0001**
 oxLDL2.992 (1.327–6.747).008**

Reference category: individuals without MetS and without CAD.